
1 Hr. Consultancy

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Rs. 3999/- or $ 78

*Only one consultation applicable in one fee.

Generally, our clients have a waiting period of 3 to 4 weeks due to overwhelming popularity of our services. We will contact you as soon as your turn comes. Thanks for your patience.

1 Hr. Consultancy

Astrology consultation on phone is much better and convenient service in terms of seeking guidance from a professional. Since getting in touch with an astrologer on phone is a live and instant solution, one can get their problems resolved in on time.

Personal Consultation with Astrologer Pradip Verma Via
Face to Face or Video Calling or Telephonic Credentials Required – Concern person.

1. Date of Birth
2. Place of birth – City/Country
3. Time of Birth

* For Indian Resident Only * For Resident Out of India