
Health Report For 20 Years

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Health Report For 20 Years

Astrology can provide insight into the health report of an individual over the course of 20 years. It can provide information about what areas of the body may be particularly vulnerable and how to take proactive measures to maintain good health. By looking at the position of the planets in an individual’s chart, we can gain insight into their overall health profile, including any particular areas that may be prone to illnesses or injury.


For instance, if a person has a planet in an angular house, such as the 1st or 10th, they may be more prone to physical illnesses or injuries than someone who does not have any angular planets in their chart. Additionally, if a person has a planet in a cadent house such as the 3rd or 6th house, they may be more prone to mental and emotional issues.


Moreover, if a person has any planets that are afflicted by malefic influence (such as Mars or Saturn), they may be more likely to suffer from chronic illness or physical ailments that require medical attention. In addition, if a person has planets conjunct difficult fixed stars in their chart, they may experience long-term health issues related to those stars.

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